Saturday, 5 March 2016

Sophia's Second Anual Bristol Sound And Vision Review

By Sophia Agathangelou: Another year older, at age seven I am taking a more hands on approach to writing my review. I am sad to say this year's show was somewhat of a let down, nevertheless there were highlights. 

PMC had some interesting speakers on show and I have made a note to audition their speakers more thoroughly in the future. Harbeth took our award for a second year running for their Super HL5 plus and I have twisted my papa's arm to buy us a pair. They receive my papa's top marks just above PMC.

Icon Audio [right] had an interesting room. We heard their single ended KT150.

Our pleasant surprise was our Grado audition. We are sure these bear further investigation as no doubt the headphone amp was a limiting factor. Given this limitation Grado's RS2 shone above the RS1 and PS1000 and interesting result to say the least. Although the Grado's sounded excellent the design were a bit 1970s, they could do better in that department and given the excellent sound one wonders why they don't. Grado received my top marks for sound. Our thanks to Laurence Turner for his friendly help and advice at the Grado stand.